Male Medicine Ward
There are several medicine wards with over 55 beds in total at AAMCH. To start with, Fatema male Medicine ward located at the 5th floor of the AAMCH. The patients can get their treatment with privacy. The ward only for male patient. There are 6 nurses assigned to this ward.
For male patients seeking quality care, there is the Male Medicine Ward situated on the 5th floor . This ward is equipped with the same amenities provided by the Fatema male Medicine Ward. There are 30 designated beds in this ward. which is referred to as the Old Medicine ward- where male patients can book beds at a cheaper rate.
Female Medicine Ward
The medicine female ward located of the 4th floor Sabina Ward, The ward has 25 designated beds 6 designated nurses. The patients can get their treatment with privacy. thanks to the curtained beds. This ward is only for female patients considering the need of the female patients who want to receive our care with less money to spend, there is the female medicine ward located at the 4th floor of the Sabina ward. It contains standerd facilities for patients with minimam or no charge. There are 25 beds in this ward with 6 nurses to take care of the patients.